Little Ember.
Our little Ember went broody yesterday!   She isn't sitting on fertile eggs (because she has not been with a cock in a while) so I have 8+ D'uccle eggs on the way, for her to hatch. They should be here tomorrow.
This is going to be her first clutch, so I'm hoping to have a "Broody Hen Diary".    
Her pictures go from baby to broody.

Check back often for updates during this 21 day hatch!!

Fully feathered, and puzzled by dandelion stems.
She likes to stare at the "clicky thing".
At 5/6 months old.
7 months.
Here she is on her nest. :)
Check back for an update soon!!!
I'm gonna call the P.O. soon.  Maybe her (my) eggs will be there.  Check back soon!
The eggs are at the post office!  We are gonna go pick them up.  I'll post pictures when I get back.
Ember is out having a dust bath. An essential part of being a broody. ;)
They're here!!  Mommy is sitting on the eggs right now.  One of the eggs broke during shipping so I glued it (Yes you can glue eggs back together) and put it in the incubator.  Gonna keep an eye on it for a while until hatching, then put it under mommy.  Stay tuned!

She's still sitting.  I candled the eggs yesterday night and I saw blood vessels!  I'll try to take some pictures.
The Mille Fleur and the Golden Neck eggs are developing very fast!  But, the Blue/Black mottled eggs were not fertile.  None.  So I sent an e-mail to her and hoping that she'll send replacements.  * Hoping* 
Well, she can't send replacements.  Her breeders are in molt.  Oh well, maybe next year.  
Ember's eggs are in a week!!  Yay!! I can't wait!  And I'm sure Ember can't either. ;)  I saw blood vessels in the cracked egg but its really behind compared to the others.   Stay tuned!! :D
I have some bad news.  
None of the eggs ended up hatching.  And Ember is still sitting (along with her aunt "Minnie" who went broody about two days before Embers eggs were due).  Poor thing.  I have ordered more eggs for her and Minnie to sit on but its going to be at least 29 days till they hatch.  I hope Ember doesn't mind too much.
Stay tuned!!  The eggs should arrive Wednesday!
UPDATE:  Almost a week ago I got 6 huge brown eggs from a farmer friend just so the girls can sit on something until the other eggs arrive (should be tomorrow or the next day).   Ember's sister has also joined in on the fun of being a broody!  Miss Poppi, a buff Silkie pullet.  So now we have three broody hens. :D
11/9/2012 09:10:19 am

OMG your chicks are ADORABLE!!!! especially "little ember"
love your friend,

11/28/2012 05:30:14 am

Thank you. :) Ember is adorable. :)

Chickenfan4life (AKA Hannah, from BYC.)
3/20/2013 05:48:00 am

Ember is very pretty. Silkies: they're my second fav. chicken!

Funky Feather Foot Farm
9/16/2013 02:16:12 am

Hello Hannah! We Love our Silkies! Their personalities make every coop happier. :)


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    Bantams as Pets

     Bantams make excellent pets, can become quite tame and children will love them. There are the added bonuses of eggs for breakfast and manure for the garden. If your garden is on the small side then bantams are a good option as these birds are around 25% of the size of chickens. A run of a few square metres will suffice for a pair of birds with a wooden hut equipped with a perch for roosting at night. It is advisable to move the run every month or so to prevent the build up of parasites in the soil. In my garden the run is rotated around the garden during the winter, then kept in one position throughout the summer, as the birds are allowed to roam free for most of the day.
    Poultry feed and corn can be bought from most pet shops, this can be supplemented with stale bread and kitchen scraps, they will eat almost anything. 

    If the birds are kept in a run then some dry soil should be available for the birds to take a dust bath
    , this is to rid themselves of lice etc. This can last up to an hour and is most amusing to watch as they roll around.  The hen manages to lay on average four to five eggs a week, although being bantam eggs two would be needed to make a breakfast!

    Information above from: Schnitzel & Redcomb Productions, Portishead, UK.